Florence, Italy
On July 7th the city of Florence will be the theater where the celebration of 138° aniversary of Pinocchio’s Birthday will take place. The day will be focused on the famous character created by Carlo Lorenzini and for the occasion the same day will also be focused on European Erasmus+ Project Campo dei Miracoli.
The Erasmus+ European Project Campo dei miracoli is based upon the collaboration of several associations from Italy, Spain and Uk- such as Associazione “Per Boboli” , Associazione Culturale Pinocchio di Carlo Lorenzini, Associazione Trisomia 21 Onlus, Fundaciòn Yehudi Menuhin Espana,
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos e MBM raining Development Center – in the following aim: to express the skills and the creativity of people with intellectual and relational disabilities, producing paths of self-development which help to better a concrete process of inclusion, socialization, awareness, self-esteem in order to better cognitive and psycological growth.
The day will be focused on Pinocchio’s 138th Birthday – the artist Caterina Balletti had therefore painted an image depicting Pinocchio receiving a present and, on background, there’s the Cathedral of Florence- and it will begin at 10.00 AM at “Limonaia e serra” of di Villa Bardini (Costa San Giorgio 2, Florence). In presence of responsables of “Fondazione Parchi Monumentali Bardini Peyron”, of “Amministrazione Comunale” of Florence and of the president on. Monica Baldi in person. Monica Baldi will also represent “Associazione Culturale Pinocchio di Carlo Lorenzini”. A performance of a special painting workshop for adult and children audience will take place. This workshop, called “Circo” and realized by Maestro Caterina Balletti is focused to improve the epression of skills of people with intellectual and relational disabilities, according to a process of real inclusion, awareness, responsability and self-esteem in order to improve psychological and cognitive development.
At 11.00 AM there will be a press-conference of “Comitato scientifico del progetto Campo dei miracoli“, in presence of dr. Fabio Fanfani, dr. Stefano Lassi and dr. Vivilla Zampini.
At 12.00 AM there will be the conference of European Erasmus+ Project Campo dei miracoli, with Associazione “Per Boboli” , Associazione Trisomia 21 Onlus, Associazione Culturale Pinocchio di Carlo Lorenzini.
At 01.00 PM ritual greetings to Pinocchio. A cake will be brought on the table, followed by a remarkable toast on his (Pinocchio) honour.
Then, at 03.00 PM, a meeting with participants will take place in via Taddea 21(Florence). His ends aims to tribute the birthplace of Carlo Lorenzini. A wreath will be placed. This wreath is brought by Renato Coppola, President of Consorzio del Mercato di San Lorenzo.
We would like to thank on. Monica Baldi, staff members and participants.