Florence, Italy
All Project partners (without MBM Training Development Center due to urgent commitments) meeted from May 27th to May 31th 2019, aiming to improve a remarkable exchange of experiences, ideas and good practices, developed within European Erasmus+ Project Campo dei Miracoli.
For the last Mobility Project, organized by Italian partners such as ( Associazione Culturale Pinocchio di Carlo Lorenzini, Associazione Trisomia 21 Onlus , Associazione “Per Boboli” , the last Transnational Meeting took place, followed by several workshops and activities regarding the Project itself.
On May 27th 2019 TN Meeting took place at registered office of Associazione Trisomia 21 Onlus (Viale Volta 16, Florence) . In the morning of May 28th there was a visit to Boboli Garden, whereas in the afternoon there was a visit to Istituto Tecnico Agrario.
On May 28th the meeting of the Scientific Comitee took place at Istituto Fanfani (Piazza della Indipendenza 18, Florence).
In the morning of May 29th, at the registered office of Associazione Trisomia 21 Onlus there was the report of activities done by Associazione Trisomia 21 Onlus itself.
Partners have attendend a conference at Istituto Tecinico Agrario on May 30th. Later, in the afternoon, an activity at Giardino Officina Profumo di Santa Maria Novella took place.
On the last day (May 31th) partners visited LAO Jewellery School. A presentation regarding results of Project Activity was offered. Thanks to the kind help and nice availablity of the Marquis Vieri Torrigiani, partners visited Torrigiani Gardens too.