The Project video is now online. Many thanks to every partners, staff members, participants and operators. Everyone of them has seriously participated to the Erasmus+ Project Campo dei Miracoli .
Continue ReadingMagnifico Pinocchio
A new Project video is now online! Many thanks to every members of the staff, every partners, every participants and every operators involved in the Project.
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A new trailer of Project video is online. Many thanks to every partners, every members of the staff, every participants and every operator.
Continue ReadingReport of the Scientific Comittee
Florence, Italy Within European Erasmus+ Project Campo dei Miracoli, we publish here the summary report of scientific monitoring by Project’s Scientific Committee. Relazione Scientifica CdM 2017_19
Continue ReadingFinal Project Mobilities in Madrid
Madrid, Spain In occasion of the latest Project Mobilities, C3 and C5, which took place from September 26th to October 1st, provided activities took place. The italian delegation came back to Florence on October 2nd.
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Florence, Italy On Wednesday April 24th 2019 another meeting for the Flash Art Workshop, organized by the maestro Caterina Balletti (who is member of “Associazione Culturale Pinocchio di Carlo Lorenzini”) in Via dell’Amorino (Florence)and held into European Erasmus+ Project Campo dei Miracoli , took place. The Flash Art Workshop has ended on May 16th at the same location of the previous ones. We would like to thank on. arch. Monica Baldi, president of Associazione Culturale Pinocchio di Carlo Lorenzini</a,and Alessio Focardi, regional member of Fisdir Federazione per la Toscana. Many thanks to all the participants too.
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Florence, Italy On the morning of Friday April 12th 2019, as a part of European Erasmus+ Project Campo dei Miracoli, the Flash Art Workshop, organized by Associazione “Pinocchio di Carlo Lorenzini” under the leadership of the maestro Caterina Balletti at her studio in Via Amorino (Florence), took place. We would like to thank for her collaboration on. arch. Monica Baldi, president ofAssociazione “Pinocchio di Carlo Lorenzini”, Alessio Focardi, regional delegate of Fisdir Federazione per la Toscana, all the partecipants.
Continue ReadingProject mobility in Liverpool (4/2-8/2
Liverpool, United Kingdom Tutti i partner di progetto si sono ritrovati a Liverpool dal 4 all’8 febbraio 2019, favorendo un innovativo e concreto scambio di idee e buone pratiche sviluppate nell’ambito specifico di pertinenza del Progetto Europeo Erasmus+ Campo dei Miracoli. Every partner project have been in Liverpool from February 4th to February 2019, promoting an innovative and real exchange of ideas and good practices developed within Erasmus+ European Project Campo dei Miracoli. – For the Mobility, organized by, an another Project Transnational Meeting took place. At the Meeting, workshops designed to tutor operators and educators specialized in the relation with people with intellectual and relational disabilities. The In occasione… Read more
Continue ReadingMultiplier event “Premio Pinocchio” 2018
Florence, Italy On November 23rd 2018 there was a new multiplier event of the Erasmus + Project Campo dei Miracoli , organized by Associazione Culturale Pinocchio di Carlo Lorenzini , which has allowed to present itself to the public has so far been achieved and to reward, with an international recognition, relevant personalities distinguished in particular areas of culture, art, sport, commerce, fashion and more. “This year too the Award is the excellence of the world of Italian and international excellence – states Monica Baldi, President of the Associazione Culturale Pinocchio di Carlo Lorenzini – The list of winners is the result of competent Italian-American jury who has carefully evaluated… Read more
Continue Reading“Premio Pinocchio di Carlo Lorenzini” Award
Florence, Italy A new multiplier event of the European Erasmus+ Project Campo dei Miracoli will take place in Florence, 23rd and 24th November 2018. This event, organized by the Pinocchio Cultural Association of Carlo Lorenzini , will allow the public to exhibit results achieved at this stage of the project. The “Pinocchio di Carlo Lorenzini” Award will be awarded for the occasion, for having distinguished themselves in particular areas of culture, arts, sport, commerce, fashion and others, important personalities united by the expression of their individuality, one of the most relevant traits of the spirit of the Erasmus+ European Project Campo dei Miracoli . Invito Premio Pinocchio 2018 We also… Read more
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